My Office Is My Inspiration


For those who works at the office, your desk is the place you have been spending more time at. Our office space really influence the way we work, the way we behave. And not all office space comfortable in terms of design, nor inspiring.

A good office design should accommodate productivity, as well as minimalize all interference. A more rigid interior design will make you tend to bore. But too much decorative application will make you difficult to focus. And it also equally important that your office should represent the character of the business and the employees.

To create an inspiring workplace, you need to make sure that its function and style goes in balance.

Decide The Space Function.

Will the guest visits you at the office? Do you need an isolated place to concentrate? If you tend to receive guest or another personnel at your workspace, you might want to consider open workspace. You can use half wall partition that keeps your privacy. This partition won’t reduce the simplicity of an open workspace and allows shared access, audio, and visual. It also can act as the decorative element in small space. In contrary, if you need a calm spot to boost your creativity, you can consider to use full space partition that will help you to reduce distraction. Make sure that air flow and sun comes in to help your productivity. The same goes to the meeting room, so that everyone feels comfortable at meeting.

Give Personal Touch.

Without the regards of your space size, your personal touch on your workspace will support your passion and boost productivity. Make sure that you choose a good and representable style of your business. For a modern-minimalist-style office, the primary colour used should be white. You can give accent to wall, partition, and also sills to avoid dullness. You can use wood to give elegant-yet-simple look.

Usually, office space design doesn’t last for a long time. After sometime, office space design should be revamped in accordance with new trends or business direction. So, it is wiser to choose some easy-to-install material and universal decorative for your office space. You also need to put in mind that your office should accommodate many activities, so you better use high durability material to keep your office clean and comfortable.

Conwood provides various innovative product for your office needs. For instance, V Groove Decorative Panel that can be installed as interior or exterior. Its elegant look will add new dimension and new texture to your wall or partition. These panels are durable and weatherproof, so you can use it as exterior. The versatile Conwood products such as sills, floor list, and lap siding comes in unique wooden look and classy. Made from high quality fibre and cement, Conwood product will ensure the elegant looks of your wonderful office.

For more information about Conwood products and its installation guide, feel free to log onto

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